
Hi, I'm Diana. Several years ago I lost a bunch of weight by completely changing my attitude toward food and exercise. Since then I've learned a few things about keeping it off and I'm still learning. Even if I'm constantly fighting off a few pounds, I can't imagine where my weight would be now if I hadn't made such a drastic life change. I'm a health coach for the Prevent program by Omada Health, and previously I was a Weight Watchers leader. Hopefully my silliness will help make your journey to health a little more fun. More about me here.

Photo by Karl Ko

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Success does not require perfection

Would you characterize yourself as a perfectionist? Do you sabotage yourself when things don’t go as planned? Ever had one of those days where you say, “Forget it, today is ruined, gimme the cheesecake!”

All-or-nothing thinking can cause us to have a constant negative dialogue in our minds, and to shut ourselves off from the support of other people so that we don’t have to feel judged or vulnerable.

Good enough means that two steps forward and one step back is still moving in the right direction. It means that we can learn from our own mistakes and do better next time. Good enough means that we can admit to our challenges and allow other people to help us problem solve. Even though we may want to change things about our lives, we can't treat ourselves well unless we love ourselves for the people that we are right now, with all our imperfections.

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